Creatine Boosts Reps AND Brain Function

Creatine Boosts Reps AND Brain Function

It is the single most studied performance-enhancing ingredient. But only recently have researchers explored the cognitive benefits – and what they have found is pretty damn amazing. 

So, keep reading to discover why this time-tested nootropic made the cut for our flagship FOCUS formula

How Does Creatine Work? 

Creatine supports the rapid production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - the primary energy currency for cells to carry out basic functions. 

During rigorous exercise, ATP is broken down for energy. Unfortunately, cells inherently cannot restock ATP fast enough to keep up with the intensity of output - and fatigue kicks in.  

This is why it has long been a staple supplement for bodybuilders, athletes and casual gym-goers for decades. Allowing them to squeeze out more reps, performing at maximum intensity for longer.

So, if there was ever a supplement that could be accurately described as rocket fuel, this is it.

But only recently have scientists begun to really understand its cognitive effects.  

ATP Supports More Than Just Reps in the Gym 

Since ATP is the rocket fuel that ignites cellular energy, it makes sense that our brains benefit too. Research shows our brains demand high amounts of ATP when performing challenging tasks. Therefore, it’s safe to suggest that creatine is an important brain compound. 

But what does the science say? And what can our brains expect if we take it? 

4 Little Known Cognitive Benefits of Creatine

  • Improves Memory 

  • In 2003, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on the effects of creatine in young adult vegetarians was carried out. Subjects took 5g of creatine per day for six weeks and were tested on their working memory and intelligence. The results showed that taking creatine had a positive effect on both working memory and intelligence. This led researchers to conclude that it can improve cognitive performance and plays a pivotal role in energy in the brain. 

    Since then, a more recent meta-analysis of six studies has confirmed the memory-boosting effects of creatine in healthy individuals. Concluding it improves short-term memory, intelligence and reasoning. Interestingly, the analysis also pointed towards creatine being especially beneficial for aging and stressed adults, calling for more testing on patients with dementia or cognitive impairment. 

  • May fight neurodegenerative diseases 

  • Scientists know that neurodegenerative diseases are linked to diminished levels of phosphocreatine in the brain. This high-energy molecule also supports the healthy production of neurotransmitters. And one of the drivers behind cognitive decline is the dysregulation of these important brain chemicals. 

    So, it stands to reason that creatine may play a preventative or therapeutic role against these.  

    In fact, a 2021 review concluded that the current evidence around creatine on brain health is compelling enough to warrant further research.  

    But if you need more convincing, here are some pretty notable studies on how creatine has affected certain brain conditions. 

    In one study, researchers found that administering creatine in mice with Parkinson's yielded beneficial effects. Given that Parkinson’s is characterised by a loss of dopamine, these results are unsurprising. And although human trials are needed, it is a strong indication that it may yield similar effects in patients. 

    Moreover, 2001 study explored the effects of creatine on mice with Huntington’s disease. Administering creatine was shown to increase phosphocreatine stores to 72% of their pre-disease levels. 

    But what is really fascinating is, in 2021, scientists found that the mice with Alzheimer's had less creatine in their brains in the early stage of the disease. Once again pointing towards the potential of creatine supplementation as a means of early intervention. 

  • Reduces Fatigue 

  • There is also evidence showing creatine can reduce feelings of fatigue. A 6-month study observed that creatine significantly reduced feelings of tiredness in people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). On top of that, it has been shown to support energy levels when sleep deprived

  • Anti-depressant effects 

  • Dopamine plays an important role in mood regulation. A 2012 study found that creatine promoted antidepressant-like effects in mice - attributing it to the increase in dopamine receptors. 

    More recently, a study published in found that people in the United States who ate more creatine had less chance of being depressed. The study also found that this connection was stronger in women, young adults, and people who were not taking anti-depressants. Which led researchers to conclude that eating foods with creatine might help protect against the mental condition. 


    Creatine has been researched for more than 200 years, making it the single safest most widely studied nootropic on the planet. It has undisputable effects on strength, mood, mental energy and brain health. Whether you are an athlete, a busy professional, or work challenging night shifts - creatine will help you push through that little bit harder. And given that cognitive decline is an age-related disease, it makes sense to us that supplementing this neuroprotective compound should become a top priority as we get older.

    While one can derive creatine from natural animal food sources, it is extremely difficult to eat the minimum effective dose of 3-5 grams. Making supplementation a necessity to experience its long list of benefits. 

    So for us, it was a no-brainer to include it in our FOCUS formula - making it one of the only creatine nootropic stacks available.

    You can try it now risk-free for 30 days by tapping the link below.

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    Mate this info is great! Love it :)


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